
Quick Wins, Fast Results, Love Tennis!

Please Accept Our Invitation for Free Training From Leading Coach, Alison Scott. Enter Your Details for Immediate Access.

Nathan Martinpersonal trainer to Lleyton Hewitt and Casey Delacqua

Alison is one of the most professional and knowledgeable coaches in Australia today. I always feel extremely confident sending someone to Alison as I know they will be well looked after and get the expert advice and instruction they are looking for

Kerryn PrattTennis and Sports Commentator Having been an excellent world class player and as a coach with a special interest in communication, Alison is perfectly qualified to encourage girls to first try and then stay with tennis. Alison is a role model who lives the values she promotes: enthusiasm, interest in others, sportsmanship, honesty, integrity and glowingly good health.As a former player and media commentator with a longtime interest in the promotion of sport for girls and women, I fully support measures to make the great game of tennis more accessible to females. Every now and then you meet people who have an abundance of energy and an outside-the-box type of approach. People who have a passion and ask the important questions……….Why can't it be done? Why hasn't it been done? How can we do it?….. Their answer is invariably “I can do this”. Alison Scott is one of these people and her 'can do' project is promoting the fabulous sport of tennis specifically to girls.

Julie Amanatidis Tri-Skills Owner, PE Teacher

Alison brings tennis to girls in such a simple and joyful way. There's no hit and miss with Alison. She communicates in a unique way, rarely seen in tennis coaching circles, that will make you feel like you can achieve your potential and for a very good reason - to have a skill for life. Whether you want to learn how to play tennis or how to coach tennis - be sure to link up with Alison so that you can get into this fabulous game and experience the many additions to life it brings with it.